“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” FDR
These days, it is hard for me to remember that both my husband and I have jobs, a comfortable house, more than enough food to eat, healthcare when we need it, safe, drinking water, electricity on demand, and the freedom to worship where and when we wish. We live better than 98% of the world’s population.
So, why get on board the worry train with politicians and the media? I can easily tie myself in knots over the state of the economy, the “bailout,” the stock market, the cost of gas and food, or whatever is the “worry du jour.” Then, I need to be reminded to look at these nagging concerns, fears and anxiety for what they really are: distraction. They keep me from focusing on what is really important in life.
The only bailout I need to think about is the one that happened about 2000 years ago on a hill outside Jerusalem. I’m not sticking my head in the sand, nor minimizing the very real pain many people are experiencing because of the economy, but I am trying to teach myself not to hit the panic button with every news report. I am choosing to lean on God, and trust His promises. Most importantly, I am working on my response to worry: no blood-pressure-rising knee-jerks, but steady, unfailing obedience to God’s purpose for me. My bailout involves walking by faith, rather than by sight, or fright.